Mini DAYZ 大攻略

『Mini DAYZ』とその続編『Mini DAYZ 2』の攻略ブログです!

【Mini DAYZ 2】冒険に関する新情報!探索システムが追加!?






Exploration is one of the most important game elements in Mini DayZ. We want to keep it that way. Today we would like to give you an idea of how you will be able to discover and explore the world of Mini DayZ 2!

We have already briefly covered your home base and group management. And as good as they are, we understand that some of you are waiting for something different. You want the sensation of discovering new places, shooting zombies, and finding loot – don't worry, we haven't forgotten Mini DayZ is sweat and blood above all else.

In Mini DayZ 2 you will be able to go on raids by using the global map. The map is divided into areas with several points of interest you can visit. At first, you will be able to travel to just a handful of nearby locations, but as you get more experience and better gear you can start visiting more dangerous (and rewarding) destinations. Whether you want to ransack a small abandoned village, scour a dark forest overrun by wild animals, or pillage a loot-stocked city swarming with infected, the choice will be yours. But be sure to plan your adventures carefully, as more rewarding locations will be much riskier – always consider which resources you and your base actually need to survive, and remember: the higher the risk, the higher the reward

In the apocalypse, it's dangerous to spend too much time outside the safety of your base. That's why you'll be exploring these locations little by little. Each time you visit a specific location you will end up in a different part of the area, meaning every raid will be a unique experience.

You wanna eat? You'll have to work for it – that's just how surviving works. Last time, we mentioned that you can only directly control one survivor at a time. But that doesn't mean the others can slack off. When your supplies are running low and there's not much to do around your base, you can send survivors on their own raids to gather resources. Keep in mind, they will encounter the same dangers and challenges as you, so be sure to equip them well if you want to see them return in one piece.

The raid system is completely new to the Mini DayZ franchise, so we would like to explain why we designed it this way. Frankly, the number one reason is performance. It is not possible to create a giant map with hundreds of active characters and enemies at all times. With the gameplay divided into specific raids, the pressure on both your mobile device and our servers will be significantly lower. Even with some development challenges still ahead of us, our aim is to create smooth and fair gameplay. Secondly, this system can be very handy in mobile gaming as you can choose a raid that suits the amount of time you have to play. For example, you can start a quick loot run while travelling on a bus and leave the more hardcore and demanding raids for when you have enough time.

The world outside is a dangerous place. Mini DayZ 2 will not be for the faint of heart.



探索はMini DAYZ において最も重要なゲーム要素の一つです。私達は、Mini DAYZ 2にもそれを引き継ぎたいと考えています。今回は、Mini DAYZ 2の世界をどのように冒険し、探索できるかについてお伝えしようと思います!






そして、皆さんの中には、そのような内政とは違うものを期待している方もいることでしょう。新たな場所を探検し、ゾンビを射撃し、そして戦利品を見つけたりする…心配ご無用、私達はMini DAYZ は、そのような血と汗のにじむ戦いであることを忘れてはいません。


Mini DAYZ 2では、グローバルマップを使って略奪に向かうことができます。そのマップは、訪問可能な興味深いスポットをいくつか持つエリアに分割されます。最初は、ほんの一握りの近くのエリアにしか行くことが出来ませんが、経験を集め、装備を整えることで、より危険で、より報酬の良い場所に行くことができるようになります。








レイドシステムはMini DAYZ にとって全く新しいシステムであるため、このように設計した理由を説明したいと思います。





外の世界は危険な場所です。  Mini DayZ 2は気弱な人向けではありません。





